TOMORROW, Friday, February 14-Two-Hour Late Start
Due to inclement weather, all Evergreen Public Schools will be on a two-hour late start tomorrow, Friday, February 14. There will be no AM preschool or work experiences. Cascadia Tech session 1 is also canceled. Breakfast will not be served, but lunch will be. We will monitor conditions in the morning and update you if we need to close for the day.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, todas las Escuelas Públicas Evergreen comenzarán dos horas más tarde mañana, viernes 14 de febrero. No habrá preescolar en la mañana, ni experiencias laborales. La sesión 1 de Cascadia Tech también se cancela.No se servirá desayuno, pero sí el almuerzo. Monitorearemos las condiciones por la mañana y le actualizaremos si necesitamos cerrar por el día.
Завтра, пятница, 14 февраля, из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий во всех государственных школах округа Эвергрин занятия начнутся на два часа позже. Утренняя сессия в дошкольных учреждениях и первая сессия рабочей практики для учащихся Центра Каскадия также отменены. Завтрак подаваться не будет, но обед будет.
Мы проследим за ситуацией утром и сообщим вам, если нам придется закрыться на день.
Flash Alert
Informs families of inclement weather and other emergency notifications
School Closures, Delays and Early Releases
School closures, delays and early releases are decided as early as possible in order for families to be able to make preparations. Weather conditions can often change quickly and these decisions are made with the safety of students and staff in mind.
Winter weather conditions may lead to:
Late start/delayed start
Early release
Making the decision
There are many factors that are considered when we decide to close schools or change the schedule. Before a decision is made, we consult with meteorologists and closely monitor weather conditions. Crews also drive on roads in the different areas of the school district to assess road conditions.
The decision to close schools or delay opening them is taken seriously, with the safety of students and staff as the top priority.
Please be sure your contact information is up-to-date so you receive immediate notice of any changes to the schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will you make the announcement?
Our goal is to announce delays and closures by 5 a.m. or as soon as possible in the event of an early closure.
Will you announce if schools are open?
Generally speaking, only schedule changes will be announced. If no changes are reported, schools are operating on regular schedules.
How will I be informed of a closure, late start or early dismissal?
All families will receive a message via ParentSquare. Information will be posted on the district website and the district’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. A message will also be posted through FlashAlert that informs media outlets in our area.
Why didn't I get the message?
If your child is a current student in the district and you did not receive a message that was sent out, it may be because your child’s school does not have your up-to-date contact information. Please contact the school’s office to confirm. If you are signed up to receive FlashAlert messages, you may need to renew your subscription.
What will happen if there's a late start?
Buses will arrive later than usual (e.g., two hours later than usual if there’s a two-hour late start).
Before-school activities are typically canceled.
Breakfast will still be available.
What will happen if schools are closed?
Extracurricular and evening activities are typically canceled.
Building rental agreements are canceled.
The last day of school may be impacted.
What will happen if schools close early?
After-school and evening activities are typically canceled.
I'm supposed to rent one of your buildings that day. Can I still use it?
Rental agreements will be canceled if schools are closed.
Questions? Contact Building Rentals – Chris Pugsley (360) 604-4009 –